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Aykhan Mastaliyev

Aykhan Mastaliyev’s professional narrative unfolds as a compelling saga of a Digital Marketing Specialist, Business Developer, and Project Manager whose expertise spans across e-commerce, education, tourism, software, business consulting, and banking.

Aykhan Mastaliyev’s profile is a testament to his exceptional skills in digital marketing, business development, and strategic planning. His proficiency in using WordPress and Shopify underlines his capability to build and optimize e-commerce platforms effectively. Coupled with his adeptness in campaign management across social media giants like Facebook, Google, and TikTok, Aykhan demonstrates a keen analytical prowess with tools such as Looker, Tableau, and Google Analytics. This skill set is complemented by his certifications in Google Analytics and Digital Marketing, showcasing his dedication to continuous learning and mastery of the digital landscape. Aykhan’s approach to business development is marked by a strategic vision, leveraging his diverse skills to drive growth, enhance market presence, and develop sustainable business strategies.

Aykhan’s keen understanding of emerging digital marketing and e-commerce technologies is reflected in his role, where he ensures effective communication strategies and online branding

He excelled in market research, data analysis, sales performance monitoring, and digital marketing campaign optimization, contributing to the growth of multiple companies in diverse regions including America, Europe, the Middle East, and Turkey.

Fluent in Azerbaijani, Turkish, English, and Russian, Aykhan’s multilingual capability complements his global business perspective. His professional ethos, rooted in innovation, strategic analysis, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, continues to drive his journey towards new horizons in the digital and business landscape.

In summary, Aykhan Mastaliyev is a results-driven professional with a passion for analytics, digital marketing, and education, evident through his impactful contributions in various roles and sectors

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